Thursday, April 2, 2009

Found in Translation

Here is the link to the Radio-Canada story on today's hydro announcement:

The story mentions not only the historic grievance in NL and the symbolic value of today's announcement for DW, but also the pending development of the Lower Churchill and the expansion of new transmission lines to transport that energy to the US. Unless I missed something, the story makes no mention of the Romaine River project, which is curious.

Here is the Google translation. It's pretty accurate, though it produced some amusing pronouns:

An historic agreement (Source: Radio-Canada). The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador announced an agreement with Quebec to move to the United States of electricity on the Churchill River. For the first time in its history, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, under an agreement with Quebec, carries electricity to the North American markets. Premier Danny Williams said that his province sells electricity in the United States since Wednesday. The energy comes from hydroelectric plants on the Churchill River in Labrador.

Premier Williams believes that the agreement for his province is a step towards prosperity. He is a historic moment for the entire population of Newfoundland and Labrador. The government explained that the Williams energy company of Newfoundland and Labrador, through its subsidiary, Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro, has concluded an agreement with Hydro-Quebec for the transmission of electricity up at the U.S. border. The electricity is then sold on the Canadian side to the company Emera Energy. The latter then sells electricity in Canada and the United States.

The priority of the energy company of Newfoundland and Labrador continues to supply electricity in the province. Only the excess energy is sold outside the province. Since 1969, Quebec enjoys an agreement to use the electricity generated by the top Churchill in Labrador. Quebec will benefit from this agreement until 2041. Until now, the top Churchill reported 19 billion dollars in Quebec, but only 1 billion dollars in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Even today, Premier Danny Williams said that the 1969 agreement is unfair. Meanwhile in 2041, when Newfoundland and Labrador may negotiate a new agreement, the province tries to make the most of its hydropower. Since 1998, Newfoundland and Labrador can use 300 megawatts produced at the top Churchill. It can now get electricity from the province by paying a right of passage. She started to export 130 megawatts in the New York area. This small production may relate to Newfoundland and Labrador $ 40 million to 80 million per year.

For Premier Williams, the sale also has a symbolic value because his province was finally able, despite the obstacles, to sell electricity to its neighbors. Newfoundland and Labrador will soon undertake a hydroelectric megaproject on the lower Churchill. Le ministre des Ressources naturelles du Québec, Claude Béchard, acknowledges that it will build new lines in Quebec to deliver that electricity to the United States, and it is best to cooperate with the Atlantic province.
"For us, it's a win-win situation with Newfoundland," said Minister Claude Béchard. For Newfoundland and Labrador, it will be a step toward self-sufficiency. avec Presse canadienne avec Presse canadienne

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